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i should private a lot of this honestly its just a more accessible journal or a place to shout like you walk into my room and see a bunch of shit I scribbled on the walls.

05/19/2024 8:33pm

i dont care that i will bleed all over all that i touch! I bleed rainbow so you cant help but love it . Why don't you love me? Obsessive much? Don't be shy its just fucking words. i wont answer you so i hope youll ask again, ask me again ,and again.

04/07/2024 11:33 pm


One of the snakes died today. Most beloved Ms Murphy, beautiful ball python,, Everywhere she went, what a personality! She was my Rowdi's angel, they loved eachother so. Brightest ones fleet fastest. My poor Rowdi, her head hurts, as she cries out the unfairness of She's Dead. the trailer reeked of death in the morning. It's not fair. We are still in denial. We love you Ms Murphy. Hang on forever your ghost on the shoulders of my beloved girlfriend. Your novel will be written

03/22/2024 6:22 pm

I am doing the same to others as I hate being done to me. even with my phone being called over and over, i don't pick up. being on the other end of that sucks and I wouldn't want to do that to anyone else. and yet. i guess there's too much pressure there? I can understand that. i'm off in my world and should be more at peace with the flow of things. I should play it a little cooler, I think.

02/28/2024 1:45 pm

THIS WILL BE FOR NONSENSE THOUGHTS I HAVE DECIDED. not enough for a full blog update, not public enough for a statuscafe update.

I've had a hell of a couple months. I wish I could just upload my journal. Haven't decided the difference between status and blog quite yet so bear with me. I want to write abput my experiences in life, but also the silly dumb little thoughts i wanna share more quickly, off-cuff.

02/8/2024 1:55 am

i don't even have anything to say but I just wanted to post another status update. I'm sitting in class but i never know if I should be paying attention. . . half of this is stuff I already know. I love learning in person like this, and being able to ask questions is cool. But these damn screens are so mazzive yet simultaneously hard to read. gives me a headache.

11/7/2023 9:45 am

I just couldn't wait any longer to start writing SOMETHING. ANYTHING. i just want to share what my heart has in a place that I can feel safe, maybe a bit of contol outside of the whirlwind of the rest of the internet.

11/6/2023 11:05 pm
